
Nuevo inicio de sesión en Chrome con Windows

Nuevo inicio de sesión en Chrome con Windows
Hola, Marcelina:
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Marcelina Lito
martes, 8 de agosto de 2017 1:42 (hora de Ciudad de México)
Puebla, Pue., México*
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Por razones de seguridad, tu cuenta de Twitter ha sido bloqueada.

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Los enlaces en este correo electrónico comenzarán con "https://" e incluirán "". Además, tu navegador mostrará el icono de un candado para que sepas que el sitio web es seguro.

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Nuevo inicio de sesión de Twitter desde Chrome on Windows

Nuevo inicio de sesión de Twitter desde Chrome on Windows

How to get 10,000's of Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn Followers

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Hi ZNewsHoover,

My name is Amer, I'm the founder and CEO of Tweepi, and for the last 10 years I've been immersed in the world of digital marketing.

One major lesson we learned from the 25+ Billion actions performed through Tweepi (yes, with a B) during the past decade is that 20% - 30% of the users will follow your brand as a result of engaging them properly. My aim is to share all the smart routes and growth hacks you can use to skyrocket your brand's growth, one email at a time!

If you wish not to hear from me, or you're simply not interested, please feel free to unsubscribe. No hard feelings :)

Here are this week's favorites:

How a Viral Loop on LinkedIn Got Me 76k Email Subscribers in 1 Month
This is a brilliant growth hack for LinkedIn. I think I mentioned it to almost everyone I talked SMM with the past couple of weeks! 

Anna’s method utilizes offering free, valuable content in exchange for comments and an opt-in page to collect email addresses and build an expansive list. The first email post-offer had 59% open rate. Awesome, right?!

One more thing, you don’t have to be a designer/developer to build that freebie, you can hire someone using UpWork or 99designs to create your idea.

How to Get Your First 10,000 Followers on Instagram (a Real Story and Strategy)
This article by @johnelincoln shares ideas for building an eye-catching profile, creating an editing calendar, publishing and engaging, and using analytics frequently to mark progress. There’s even a video with extra tips to make your Instagram posts pop! 

Twitter Marketing: The Essential Guide
This one made me feel bad for not writing that article for Tweepi’s blog myself. It’s one of the most well-rounded Twitter guides I’ve come across outlining a detailed technique to get the most out of your Twitter marketing.

I like the advanced tactics section with examples on broadcasting live video and offering social customer support to get a step ahead. 

10 Facebook Ad Optimization Hacks for Massive Success
This includes cases for when not to use Facebook's Accelerated Delivery feature, how to properly leverage social proof (share & like counts), as well as how to choose between two or more highly differentiated ad variations. I think you'll relate to at least a few of those tips if you've used FB ads before.

Let's not have this be a one-way broadcast. I’d love to hear back from you with your thoughts about this newsletter. If you have tips or articles to share, please let me know; I'd love to highlight your brilliance to our 1/2 million readers.

Until next week!

Amer Kawar
Founder and CEO of Tweepi
You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website when signing up. 

You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. Tweepi Ltd P.O Box 110130 Amman 11110 Jordan 

How to get 10,000's of Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn Followers

Report as spam or unsubscribe
Hi Miriam,

My name is Amer, I'm the founder and CEO of Tweepi, and for the last 10 years I've been immersed in the world of digital marketing.

One major lesson we learned from the 25+ Billion actions performed through Tweepi (yes, with a B) during the past decade is that 20% - 30% of the users will follow your brand as a result of engaging them properly. My aim is to share all the smart routes and growth hacks you can use to skyrocket your brand's growth, one email at a time!

If you wish not to hear from me, or you're simply not interested, please feel free to unsubscribe. No hard feelings :)

Here are this week's favorites:

How a Viral Loop on LinkedIn Got Me 76k Email Subscribers in 1 Month
This is a brilliant growth hack for LinkedIn. I think I mentioned it to almost everyone I talked SMM with the past couple of weeks! 

Anna’s method utilizes offering free, valuable content in exchange for comments and an opt-in page to collect email addresses and build an expansive list. The first email post-offer had 59% open rate. Awesome, right?!

One more thing, you don’t have to be a designer/developer to build that freebie, you can hire someone using UpWork or 99designs to create your idea.

How to Get Your First 10,000 Followers on Instagram (a Real Story and Strategy)
This article by @johnelincoln shares ideas for building an eye-catching profile, creating an editing calendar, publishing and engaging, and using analytics frequently to mark progress. There’s even a video with extra tips to make your Instagram posts pop! 

Twitter Marketing: The Essential Guide
This one made me feel bad for not writing that article for Tweepi’s blog myself. It’s one of the most well-rounded Twitter guides I’ve come across outlining a detailed technique to get the most out of your Twitter marketing.

I like the advanced tactics section with examples on broadcasting live video and offering social customer support to get a step ahead. 

10 Facebook Ad Optimization Hacks for Massive Success
This includes cases for when not to use Facebook's Accelerated Delivery feature, how to properly leverage social proof (share & like counts), as well as how to choose between two or more highly differentiated ad variations. I think you'll relate to at least a few of those tips if you've used FB ads before.

Let's not have this be a one-way broadcast. I’d love to hear back from you with your thoughts about this newsletter. If you have tips or articles to share, please let me know; I'd love to highlight your brilliance to our 1/2 million readers.

Until next week!

Amer Kawar
Founder and CEO of Tweepi
You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website when signing up. 

You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. Tweepi Ltd P.O Box 110130 Amman 11110 Jordan